Rust tips: Box, RC, Arc, Cell, RefCell, Mutex

Difference Between Box, Rc, Arc, Cell (and its various variants.. RefCell, Mutex, RwLock) in Rust:
- Box is for single ownership. A great use case is to use this when we want to store primitive types (stored on stack) on heap.
- Rc is for multiple ownership.
- Arc is for multiple ownership, but threadsafe.
- RefCell is for “interior mutability”; that is, when you need to mutate something behind a &T.
- Cell is for “interior mutability” for
Copy types
; that is, when you need to mutate something behind a &T. Cell, is similar to RefCell except that instead of giving references to the inner value, the value is copied in and out of the Cell. - Mutex, which offers interior mutability that’s safe to use across threads
A Copy type
is one where all the data it logically encompasses (usually, owns) is part of its stack representation. For example int/floats are copy types. Vec and String are not copy types. Surprisingly, &T is a copy type. Below is a link post that explains this very well. It can be very confusing at first but once you get a hang of the ownership, borrowing and borrow-checking rules, it all makes sense.
Cell and its variants can be confusing. Here is an excellent post.
Here is another link post explaining the single threaded Read-Write Lock pattern implemented in Rust that makes mutability of referenced objects different from other languages.
Another great link discussing interior mutability concepts is:
Since the above are often used in conjunction with threads, here is another post that also explains how thread safety is dealt with in Rust:
A great article on Raw Pointers which are central to understanding the inner implementation of “inner mutability”.